Friday, October 4, 2013

10 Months Has Come & Gone

Not in the outfit of choice, but between retraining naps, me being sick again, and the never ending construction, we took what we could get! I was going to flake on it altogether and then had visions of me putting together a 1st year book for him and the 10 month page being blank.  Or a poor photoshopped basketball stuck on a picture I'd taken at another time.  So here it is.  I can rest easy.  For a couple more weeks!

There were several that didn't make the cut. This Dr. Evil pose being one.
On the docket as of late has been planning Palmer's baptism, his 1st birthday party, and family photo shoot.  In preparation for the events I went ahead a finally logged on to and checked out their little boy clothes.  Boy is Pete gonna hate this new introduction am I happy I did that!  Leggings with patches, jeans with suspenders, raglan shirts...need I say more?  Pete is in Atlanta for a member-guest tournament at Golf Club of Georgia so Palmer and I are on our own until Saturday night.  Think we are going to hit Sea World again and get reacquainted with the dolphins.  This is when I wish I had a real camera.  One of those ones with a real lens - the ones I have no idea how to use and probably would never learn how to use but would like to buy so I could at least attempt so higher quality pictures.  Anyone looking to get rid of one?  I think a used one befits this situation so I can find out if it has staying power in my daily life.  For now...I shall continue with my iPhone and the occasional Canon PowerShot.

Breakfast with the boys

Like father like son

Maybe that wasn't the ripest nectarine in the bunch.  Sorry Palmer!

 Naked swimming

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