Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Taking It Back

We went back.  And man did it feel so good.  Amidst the frenzy of life in a new city with a toddler and newborn, it was a well deserved break to whisk our family away to Florida for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Tripp had his first flight.  And like most 3 month olds was content to just chill with mom and dad.

First stop: Poppa & Grandma C's.  Days were spent feeding cows, chickens, ducks
and trying not to endure too many farm injuries.  Only lost one fingernail.  Ouch!

Palmer's 2 year old life was made complete with his very own bounce house for his birthday.
It's being shipped up here for permanent residence in his basement aka where Toys R Us exploded.

After a fantastic couple of days at my Dad's we went on  to Bay Hill.  We were sharing stories of how life use to be as we drove in.  I immediately was overwhelmed with emotion when I saw our old house.  Sobbing commenced.  Took me a good 10 minutes to regain my composure and begin enjoying our first trip back as guests.

Everyone finally met Trippy!  Including Baby Beckett, Braxton's little brother.
They are 6 months apart like Palmer and Brax.  Destined to be best of buds despite the distance.

Palmer wasted no time getting back out on the greens.  

Thanks to old babysitters we enjoyed a couple nights out with our friends at our old stomping grounds.

It felt like we never left.  It felt like coming home.  It was so, so good.  We are looking forward to getting back next month for another getaway and planning Tripp's baptism with the same Priest who performed our wedding and Palmer's baptism.  It may not be our main home anymore, but it will always be where our family began and our roots are planted.  

Despite all the heart warming memories, it did feel refreshing to get back to our new home.  Palmer's favorite phrase lately is, "Help momma cook!"  He's become an expert salt-and-pepper-er, egg cracker and is becoming an old pro' at making our weekly batches of almond milk.  This week we were inspired by our Florida visit and made fresh orange juice. 

My mini-sous chef
Before we left for Florida, we had a very big day to celebrate.  Palmer Doyle's 2nd Birthday!  The main event was a trip to the Atlanta Aquarium.  While the moving tunnel of sea life was pretty darn cool, the $90 admission cost for our family left us feeling like this...

We hit up Sea World in Florida per Palmer's request after he saw the Atlanta Aquarium's dolphin show.
Their show was cool...maybe for those over the age of 10.  Nothing beats Orlando's original.  

 At home, we had a proper celebration including the newest member of our family, Poppa Bear.

Palmer was smitten

Palmer was a little gun shy with the candles after his 1st Birthday Debacle
Palmer has come a long way in 2 years.  And Tripp has given me a new appreciation for the sleep magician that Palmer has always been.   

In Christmas news, we hit Scottsdale Farms just down the road to pick out our first Georgia tree!  That place rocks.  There were ponies and pigs and a full on tree forest to forage through.  Waaaaay different than my parking lot tree purchases in Florida.

Making sure it was just right

We put on Christmas music, sipped wine and decorated the tree.  Palmer helped.
By placing, oh, about 5,000 hooks amongst the branches.  Just hooks.  No ornaments.

Christmas Jammies!  Need a all of Palmer's pants. He's got 3T width but 2T height.

And lastly, a terribly captured iPhone photo of my long awaited chandelier for the eat in kitchen.  It was supposed to be here in September, then October, then November, and FINALLY it made it for the holidays (first world problems is the saying, right?)  It was worth the wait.  

My unexpected light models, Gra Gra and Palmer

And the newest Laura Ramsey finds.  Butterfly prints.  Thanks, honey, for letting me decorate with polka dots and butterflies.  I love you eternally. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Waterfall Adventure

Sleep deprived or not, life will go on.  You do your best to ignore the deepening of the lines on your face and the smudges of 4 day old makeup.  You have two little men ready to conquer the world and they need to hold your hand to do it.  At least that's the pep talk I give myself after Palmer dumps a cup of rice all over the floor and declares "Big Mess!"  or when Tripp stares at me at 4am wondering when the party is going to start.  So we trudge on, to Gymboree class and Library story time, to play dates and grocery store trips.  And every once in a while a special trip like a picnic at our very own waterfall.  Okay, it's more a runoff over a really cool 50'+ high rock wall, but it has a sign that says waterfall and you couldn't convince Palmer it was anything less than magical.  

The big boy leaves the stroller once we hit the trail
Little man stays along for the ride

Exploring yelling, "This Way! That Way, Momma!"

Every good explorer needs a proper picnic

Tripp didn't miss out on the exploration either
Exhaustion is a buzz kill.  Everything in my body wants to just lay on the floor while Palmer watches Mickey Mouse on DVR (and let's be honest...that does happen), but more often than not, once I pick my 16 lb post partum overweight booty  up off the floor and head out on a waterfall adventure, I end up feeling refreshed and everyone is in a much better mental state.  I am ready for these sleepless nights to be a distant memory, but until then, I will trudge on and find out it really isn't trudging after all.

How about a little Hipworth update?  I need to take pictures of the new window treatments and barstools downstairs.  They are dreamy.  I posted a picture of Palmer today on my Instagram and noticed after the fact that you could see them in it.  And they make the house look soooo much cozier.  Master bedroom drapes are in sans hardware - whoops - forgot you need rods to hang all those drapes.  There is artwork for the living room coming that the fabulous Laura Ramsey Interiors team found for me on their High Point Market adventure.  One hint - Butterflies.  I cannot wait.  Laura and her team actually did all of the above, plus found these perfect pillows during their market adventure...

And just for good measure, let's end with those inspiring men in my life.

He rolls now, by the way.  I should document that.  It happened one day this week I'm sure.

Can't get enough of them.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Who Is This Tripp Martin?

Babies are different.  My babies are teaching me that lesson currently.  I am constantly flipping back through Palmer's journal of feedings and sleep habits to compare to Tripp Martin's .  We are 12 weeks in and I am finding I am wasting precious down time looking for clues in Palmer Doyle's past to help with Tripp Martin's future.  They are two completely different boys.  By 12 weeks Palmer had a belly the size of Santa Clause (and still could give Santa a run for his money), while Tripp is long and lean and has more in common with a string bean than that jolly ol' man.  By 12 weeks, Palmer had thighs like this...

And let's not even mention the head girth to hold onto toddler size sunglasses
Rolls for days.  Tripper, while you can't even see the hint of a roll, can turn a pair of pants into high waters like nobody's business.

While I haven't edited and posted his 1 and 2 month photos, I have in fact taken them!  Score 1 for mom of baby #2!

The differences go on and on.  Palmer would nurse both sides, every time, every 3-4 hours.  Trying to get Tripp to finish a side is a game of it's own most days and would prefer a snack every 2 hours.  So Palmer would be more of an all you can eat buffet guy and Tripp is more of a tapas man.  Palmer cried...a lot.  We dined over the soothing sounds of the vacuum on countless occasions .  I spent weeks trying to coax out a giggle and would spend an entire day waiting for a smile to snap a picture.  Tripp gives smiles at the cost of a mere "hello!" thrown his way.  He giggles on command.  And he doesn't even like the sound of a vacuum.  Now the kicker, the area I'd like to find a commonality in my boys.  Sleep.  Nighttime sleep to be exact.  One week from today Tripp will be 13 weeks.  That is when Palmer changed our lives (and gave Tripp a chance at having one) when he started sleeping 10-12 hours at night, every night, and never looked back.  Tripp has found a sweet spot around midnight and 3 a.m. every night.  He'll even throw in an extra visit if you're lucky.  We are no where near 10-12 hours of glorious sleep.  The lines and bags on my face prove that.  I am most certain it is a result of his snacking lifestyle.  I pumped for a week and tried to jam more ounces in at each feed, stretched the feedings to 4+ hrs each, but 2 oz is really all he wants.  More than that and I usually end up wearing most of it.  And so, here I am, at a crossroad, a very fatigued crossroad.  It's time for a change in strategy.  My friends, it's time to bust out the rice cereal.  The one thing the boys do have in common is the dreaded "R" word.  Reflux.  Both Zantac junkies.  Palmer started the rice in a pumped bottle of milk around 8 weeks (hmm...maybe that's where the chunk started...).  It was to help control his last feed of the day from creeping back up on him at night.  I was mortified to feed my sweet little baby a substance out of a box.  But now, on the second go around, I see that things like rice cereal and formula will not in fact harm my baby or cause him to be any less genius (because my breast milk was obviously going to breed a genius!)  Chances are the rice cereal will help keep his food down while laying on his back and may help stretch that little tummy out to make him want more calories during the day which is the ultimate goal.  So tonight we say, "Bottom's Up" on our first rice cereal cocktail for Mr. Tripp Martin.  May the force be with us.  

Yep.  That about sums up the differences in the two.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Southern Charm

Georgia has with it a variety of stereotypes.  Some not so flattering.  Yet some include elaborate garden parties with bluegrass music, apple bourbon cocktails and a garden tour (where a large portion of your dinner was grown.)  **Sigh**  Milton's Cuisine & Cocktails pulled out all the stops and cast a spell on it's guests where we all felt like old friends.  There was no time for pomp & circumstance even when the rain started.  No one was willing to let the good times end so all 80+ of us promptly plopped our napkins on our head and continued to party.  The evening's local photographer, Blencoe & Co. captured the moment and I cannot wait to see it.  That was a sure sign the evening could not have been more magical.

Walking back to the garden

Rustic cutting boards ready for servers to wow us with garden delights


My eyes will always light up at a table full of mismatched china place settings. 

The recipe for the perfect fall cocktail we enjoyed

Family style

When the torches came out...they brought it to a whole other level.

Me and my honey.  Thanks Hello Lovely Atl for the perf garden dinner attire

And how about a house update?  With a 9 week old and almost 2 year old, house planning gets a back burner.  But I have finally picked a rug.  That was really harder than I anticipated.  Big commitment to select a 10' x 14' slab of color to grace your room.  Laura Ramsey Interiors helped guide me to Dash & Albert's Cut Stripe Rug in Ivory.  Now we can start adding color!  Green?  Pink?  Both?!

Just a little bit more like home.

Working on ottomans.  One or two was the question.  Think we are going one shared.

And trying this coffee table on for size.  How fun that it has collapsible sides?! 

And how about those babies of ours...

That was a good day

His masterpiece

Not fooling anyone with that cheshire cat grin

Hit our very first Crabapple Festival

Spotting a lot more brother acknowledgement

But ultimately still the biggest boss in town.

Finally made time to hit the greens at our new club

Palmer proved he's still got it

And he still loves a tractor

His very first pumpkin patch

And then this little monkey.  Tripp Martin is obviously too good of a baby as he doesn't
make enough racket to get his picture snapped.  Or Palmer just makes too much noise.
That's more like it.
**Disclaimer: TMD was present in all those Palmer pictures.  Usually just on my person or in his carriage**

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Seven Week Itch

We are seven weeks in as a family of four.  We are doing it!  Really doing it!  But let's be honest, we are truly a family of 5.  Without Gra Gra (my mom) being here, we wouldn't be doing any of it with as many smiles.  It has been the biggest blessing to have my mom by my side as we doubled our load of babies.  I think raising children truly takes a village.  While our village may be more of a small tribe, it makes life for everyone so much sweeter.  Pete can be on a business trip with a little lighter heart knowing Gra Gra is here with me.  Palmer doesn't blink an eye when I have to tend to Tripp Martin because he has her ready for a game of "hide and I'll tell you where I'm hiding so you can find me" at any moment.  And I don't have to struggle through lonely days as I have my best friend here to go through this whirlwind with me.  Can I get an Amen?

So what exactly has our tribe been up to over the past 7 weeks?  Making new friends - there's a total of 3 boys that are Palmer's age we've met so far in our 'hood and a gaggle of kids from unborn to elementary school.  That has been magical.  Trying to start some sort of routine in north GA - i.e. Gymboree, play dates, farm tours,  and other toddler inspired activities.  Enjoying our friends who have been overly supportive since we've moved here.  The meals, the wine, the camaraderie...we couldn't have asked for a warmer welcome.  And f it wasn't for the ability to whip out my iPhone and snap a picture every now and again, I might not be able to tell you what has occurred.  I thought baby brain was bad with one, but number two truly has sucked the sense right out of my head.  Here's what my electronic devices tell me has transpired.

We have to start with this miracle...

who is growing at warp speed.  

The second doesn't grow at a snails pace like the first.  The first is like a chia pet, you just sit and stare at them all day because it's just the two of you alone for 8 hours a day.  The second is more a part of the scenery of the day.  Is that terrible to say?  I don't mean it to sound like he's superfluous, more that he is a tiny little accoutrement in our life.  Eat, sleep, poop... standard newbie who requires minimal effort...until say, oh about...1:30 am :)

And then there's Palmer Doyle.  And all our family that has loved on him since we've moved.
He didn't leave his cousin Demerese's side the week she stayed.

We've had visitor's galore over the past few weeks we've been in our new home.  Pete's parents (also known as The Other Gra Gra and Chief), my Dad and Carolyn (Papa - said with a french accent - as in Pah-pah),  Demerese, Uncle Matt and Aunt Colleen.  He's old enough now to remember everyone and actually play with them.  It has been so fun to watch him bond with his family.  Now if only I could get him to notice Tripp...

Food Truck Thursday downtown.  Score 1 for Alpharetta!

He lives a life of leisure when he's not meeting new friends.

And no matter how many family members he meets, Da-da is still the apple of his eye.

Trying to foster his artistic side...he's a natural at squiggly lines

Something about watching him sit like a big boy and
take direction from a teacher took my breath.

And now my heart's other great desire.  Decorating our home.

Filling that pantry was way too enjoyable.

The beginnings of family room.  We actually have tv now. Only took..say 3 weeks to get DirecTV working.  PAINFUL.

Light fixtures are starting to come in.  Cannot wait to put together this dining room.

The Keeping Room fixture.  Perfeection. 

Breakfast Area light - backordered until October.  I have been the backorder queen.

This fabulous rug was supposed to be backordered until December.  But lo and behold one became available and I snatched her up.  I've been dreaming of her on this floor before this house even had a floor.  Now to pull the rest of the room together....

How about His...
...and Her... 
...closets.  Life changing.

The decorating is just getting started.  There is so much left to do.  But that's the beauty of it.  If it were all done, I wouldn't get to obsess and scour all of Atlanta and the internet for beautiful goods to fill our home.  The process is therapeutic.