Saturday, December 21, 2013

One Christmas Down!

Even though it started to feel like Christmas a week or so ago and we got to wear cozy outfits like this...

I'd put him in a beanie everyday if he'd let me

Florida reminded us that Christmas in the South is meant to be celebrated in tank tops.

Bossy pants requesting his presents

The "camper" leggings are a Christmas homage to National Lampoon's in my mind

Grampa Wayne went ahead and brought out the big wheels.

The jeep wasn't even assembled yet before Palmer was in it.  Spoiled is an understatement. This was his first Christmas of the year with my family: his 4 grandparents, aunt, uncle and nephew.  Tomorrow morning we leave for Round 2 in Chicago where there'll be...oh...about 40 something of Pete's family.  And then sometime before the new year the three of us will celebrate our very own family Christmas.  As soon as I figure out what to fill Pete's stocking with...

Monday, December 16, 2013

That Dream Where You Go To London and Get Spoiled Rotten

I'm counting my lucky stars it was not a dream!  London happened, flights weren't cancelled, Palmer didn't have an E.R. trip, we didn't forget to book a ticket.  We were there.  And we had fun.  I took 126 pictures.  Some have said that is far to few.  I feel having to interrupt my experience any more than 126 times would have been far to many.  London was an experience and I was trying my damndest to be present for it.  No small task when your sweet little baby boy is thousands of miles away from you every morning and night.  It was over the top.  We were spoiled far beyond what we deserved.  Honestly, I could've called it a vacation once we were on board the plane.  Flying overseas with a bed, alone with your husband, with service out the wahoo was one of the best gifts I could've received.  Then pile on the driver waiting for us off the plane, the sight seeing, the room service, the in room massage, the high tea, and the British shopping (can anyone say Harrod's?!) and you've got yourself a full blown spoiling.  Barring listing all 126 pictures, here are my highlights.

Our hotel.  Over. The. Top. 

Where we woke up.  Without having to immediately serve your child.

Breakfast in bed.

The Tate Museum.  Tons of Picasso.  Big ones.

Ceiling in St. Paul's Cathedral.  Took the picture before realizing that's a no-no.
Don't worry they reminded pretty darn fast.

Eating at a Michelin rated restaurant with hand written menus signed by the chef

Princess Margaret's caftan.  I am on a mission to have one made for myself.
Just need to pencil in a caribbean vacation to don it.

Queen Victoria & Prince Albert's love story.  Stole my heart.

Passing this flower stand every day leaving the hotel.

Time with my husband.

Time with my husband.

Time with my husband.


And one of THE best parts of the journey, was returning home to Palmer.  As every mom would say, he really did grow so much in 5 days!  

He's a mover and a shaker.

He is growing at warp speed.

And loves him some bubbles.  Even trying to lick them off the floor.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

London Calls

We've aced baptism, birthday party and a Thanksgiving feast.  The next item waiting for a check mark is London!  In 3 short days we will be headed for a winter experience in London town.  Excitement does not begin to describe the emotion that races through my body when I pause for a second to imagine us there.  To be honest, there hasn't been many pauses in my days to ponder this magnificent journey.  It feels as though my best friend is getting ready to go on this trip and I will only enjoy cheeky snippets of her travels via text.  I think the reality will set in once the plane starts ascending.  Or we could be real honest and say the reality will set in the second I shut the door to my car en route to the airport and I start sobbing because of how much I'm going to miss Palmer.  I am beyond happy for Pete and I to have this trip together, but leaving the little mister is going to tear my little heart out.  I know how the story goes, I'll be miserable, Grammy will be sending me texts and pictures of all their fun adventures, and I'll finally let myself have a great time.  How can you not have a great time in London?!  (No, that is not a dare my dear friend Fate)

I didn't take many pictures for Thanksgiving.  We were supposed to host and then my mom had an unexpected stay in the hospital so we moved Thanksgiving to my dad's to be closer to my mom. She ended up making it home the night before Thanksgiving but she needed to stay home and rest so traveling to Orlando for an hour wasn't an option.  My dad and step mom were the host with the most.  We all enjoyed lots of family time and the standard American over eating.  But wrangling a one year old when he's in an unfamiliar territory does not allow for great photo ops.  I managed to squeak in these few.

At Gramma's house.

Admiring this beauty.

And loving all over Mister the dog.

At Grampa Wayne's.  I need to stop hunching over.  

This time tomorrow I will be in full stalker mode of my front porch.  I finally ordered a real "I'm-over-the-top-obsessed-with-my-child" camera and lens.  They should arrive at an undisclosed time tomorrow.  I'm in a dead panic.  I am going to drive Pete and Palmer crazy for the following 24 hours practicing with the camera to prepare for London.  Until then, here's the latest from my iPhone.

The tree!  That stupid fish ornament sure does stick out.  (Thanks Uncle Matt!)

The boys playing in their tent.

Baby blues stealing my heart.