Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Why Buy It When You Can Build It

I don't know what you've been up to lately, but Pete and I have really been busy.  We went from, "Let's make this Atlanta move as simple as possible and buy a completely move-in ready home." To, "We are way to picky, let's just build our own house!"  Wow.  We are officially the owners of Lot 48 in Lake Haven of Crabapple (doesn't that name just ooze all things Georgia?).  I fly up next week for some big time decisions with the architect and designer.  No big deal taking on this minor task as I have a budding 17 month old boy and a bundle of joy on the way.  Closing date is August 15th.  Due date is August 7th.  Interesting timing, wouldn't you say?  

Here she is.  Looks pretty, daunting wouldn't you say?

The current plan is to stay put until a buyer of our homes forces us to make a decision otherwise.  So dear sweet baby Jesus, let's have a buyer who's looking to close in August.  One way or the other this new bambino will be birthed, somewhere in America.  Our family will survive the move and I will not lose my mind.  I will not lose my mind.  I will not lose my mind... oh, sorry, just working on my new meditation mantra;)  Kidding, kidding!  Forever grateful for all my blessings.  Now let's recap some recent instagram fav's and Easter highlights (and by Easter highlights, I mean doing my best not upload all 88 photos I took because I think Palmer looked so stinking cute in Pete's old outfit from his first birthday!)

Sometimes his swag can't help but shine.  Even with no pants.

Ivey showing the boys how to do the robot.  She really does have a hidden talent there.

Looking like the hubby while itching to get swinging.

Visiting Gramma and Mister the dog on a beautiful afternoon.

Getting aggravated at Ma because I didn't pull over fast enough to put on his sunglasses.
He's obviously well equipped to do that himself.

And now I shall Easter vomit all over you.

Blocking the belly with the bunny.  Clever, Heather's sub conscious. 

That was Pete's 1st birthday outfit!  I have a picture of Pete in it and he
actually gives Palmer a run for his money in the adorableness department.  

So I thought I had hidden the eggs expertly. 

But much like the 1st birthday cake smash, I quickly forgot about Mr. Clean's OCD.
As Grampa said, that boy ain't made for the farm.

My nephew Xander joined the Easter fun.  He always entertains Palmer.  Don't mind that face bandage,
just your regular, every day, run of the mill sword fighting injury.

I spent the best $10 ever on a bubble machine.

Somehow the boys found more pleasure trying to eat the bubbles than pop them.

Finally, the sweetest gift at the party.  Sweet baby Alorah in all her 4 week old glory with her Momma.  And by 4 week old glory, I mean she's naked because she just had a massive blowout all over her Easter outfit.  Perfection.

Palmer was entranced with the baby.  Look out little baby Palmer, you've got one of those
pooping machines headed your way in T-minus 15 weeks.

This is what the morning after looks like.  Who can deny a baby boy at
7am following you around with Easter basket saying, "Hunt.  Hunt."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Won! A Liebster Award! A What?!

Well, this is two months overdue and painfully embarrassing to write about due to the obscene tardiness of my response, but it has been sitting neatly on my to-do list and I will not let it go unchecked off!  

A couple months back I was nominated by a fellow blogger Lindsay Churton (a friend of a friend) who writes Sensible Ma.  This award, per her blog, is "a pay-it-forward kudos that's given to newer bloggers by other bloggers..."  So here we are!  I accept!  By accepting I must answer some questions and then nominate fellow bloggers I think have growth potential.  I've noticed my audience has ticked up over the last several months, averaging over a 1,000 views a month.  So I thought, what the heck?! Let's spread some blog love.

Here Are My Questions

1. Why did you start your blog and how did you attract readers?
I started my blog as a way to keep my husband's huge extended family in the loop as we planned our wedding in Florida.  And then continued when we immediately made a baby.  And now are cooking another.  The blog shall never end as we keep popping out babies like pop-tarts.

2. What was your most memorable vacation?
Since I have no memory left anymore due to a toddler and being 24 weeks pregnant, I have to go with my most recent vacation to London with my husband.

3. Beer, Wine or Cocktails?
Wine.  Cabernet preferably.  And if we want to get specific, let's go with a Justin or Caymus.

4. Flats, Heels or your other favorite shoes (what are these?)
Heels.  Get me closer to Jesus and add much needed length to my hamhocks.

5. Since you're a creative writer, do you have a secret or non-secret creative hobby you do? 
I sew.  I draw.  I wish I painted.  Nowadays my most creative outlet is seeing how well I can color in the lines while Palmer tries to rip the crayon from my hand.

6. What is your favorite genre of music/band/artist?
Country. Dolly Parton always hold a dear place in my heart ever since I started singing "He is High & Mighty" after I received her cd as my very first cd in elementary school.

7. Introvert or Extrovert? And do you wish you were more like the other?
I'm an extrovert forced into introvert status as I'm currently a pregnant, stay at home mom to a toddler.

8. What do you do to stay fit and healthy? 
Come again?

9. What is your favorite beauty product(s) right now?
One Love Organics everything.  Live in their beauty balm.

10. What's your go-to recipe for a weeknight dinner?
Stir fry anything and everything then throw it over rice or pasta.

Next is the part where I'm supposed to nominate 11 new blogs and come up with 10 questions for them.  I'm going to make this a new bullet on my to-do list.  I follow a standard few lifestyle blogs whom do not need any help from little old me promoting their blogs.  So I'll shall give this part proper attention in the near future and find some stars that need some help shining. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Georgia On My Mind

Fulton County.  North Fulton County.  As in, I am being popped right out of my Bay Hill bubble.  No more living life in a 3 miles radius.  Where we take golf carts to play dates and cocktail hours.  Pete has been asked to add the State of Georgia to his repertoire of duties and thus begins a new adventure.  We have spent the last 4 weeks on a journey through North Fulton & East Cobb County searching for our perfect home.  We've found three.  Out of over 200 viewed online and over 60 seen in person.  They all sold within one week of us seeing them.  Lesson learned = when you find one you like, you buy it.  So now we wait.  With only 19 weeks before Baby Doyle Part Deux makes their debut, we will monitor new listings and watch for the one that screams "Buy Me!"  I was hoping to be there by June 1 with plenty of time to settle before a newborn rocks our world.  But as April is already creeping by, I am letting go of any preconceived notions of a perfectly scheduled move.  I'm trying to be breezy...and by breezy I mean frantically checking listing updates and scouring Zillow and until my eyes are bloodshot and my thumbs start shaking from too much iPhone use.  We are continuing life as usual here in Orlando for now.  While I know our upheaval is just around the corner, somehow it seems light years away when chasing a 16 month old around.  It seems I can only get my mind to make it to the next meal preparation rather than on logistics of birthing a baby in an unknown land.  And until our new home reveals itself to us, we shall blissfully revel in our bubble.  

Friday called for a visit to Green Meadows Farm.  That place is awesome.  We chased chickens and ducks.  Held baby chicks and ducklings.  Chased goats and fed sheep.  Went on a hay ride AND a train ride.  Saw countless other livestock.  And we left early!  Pete is playing in the Club Championship today (no pressure on your last tournament while a resident member!) so he missed out, but we will be back again and again.   

Luckily he didn't learn goats have a very active digestive system

We threw a Sea World trip in the mix this week.  Grandma came along.  Pets Ahoy puts the Shamu show to shame.  Even with nap time creeping dangerously close, we still managed to maintain a happy boy.

Mesmerized by the talented animal tricks...or the lights changing...whatever works.

We had a finger painting play date at our house this week with the cutest twins this side of Orange County.  Luke and Kate.

Kate might have taste tested the blue finger paint.  Luke was more interested in climbing our
golf cart than channeling his inner Van Gogh.  I get it.  You're two.  You're a boy.  Climb away.

Kate was the superstar painter.  You can see some of her best work creating her own fashion design.

Palmer stayed captivated long enough for me to get a "first painting" to frame.  No not finger paint, because my OCD child went ballistic every time the paint touched his hands.  Who leaves a finger painting play date clean?!  I think this is my fault.  But ultimately my mother's fault.  She is the root of the OCD gene.  Sorry Palmer.
And sorry Palmer's future wife.

We got some new kicks!  It was time to bid farewell to our soft bottomed soles and venture into the ugly world of stride rites.  The stride rite designers leave much to be desired.  We found a couple pairs we didn't hate.  And we are anxiously awaiting our ability to enter Level 3 shoes where the Sperry's become available.  Walk on, little buddy, walk on.

Somehow at 16 months he still has rubber band wrists.   
Looking so so charming even sporting a bandaged hand from his second degree burn.  That debacle deserves its own post.  Which I will not grant it.  Let's just say Grandma is forever scarred and Palmer has a new respect for her Keurig.
The boys having a post nap cuddle during March Madness