Monday, November 18, 2013

Baptism Baby

It rained!  Most of the day was wet, but God gave us a break right at the time the ceremony was supposed to start so all our guests could gather around the gazebo and watch Palmer be baptized.  We filled the gazebo with white balloons and surrounded it with white lanterns.  It was sweet and simple.  All the tables and chairs we rented were moved into the house and were dressed in baby blue linens and large white lantern centerpieces.  The caterer stocked the patio with all his italian creations and we stocked the bar with a make your own bloody mary station.  The kiddos overtook the playroom and Palmer had an amazing day.  It was special to be surrounded by family and friends who will help us raise Palmer and guide him through life.  We are forever grateful for all of you.

The balloons were a successful distraction

The little silver cup the reverend has with holy water was a gift from Palmer's grandparents

Just something about holy water that makes babies squirm!

Palmer was like - enough with the water! Get me out of here!

Okay, I'll settle for a balloon

Everyone knows I have two kids 


Sweetness in his monogrammed smock

I'm sure he was saying "Dat!"

Look familiar?  Same reverend who married Pete & I

Godparents Tom & Lindsay Doyle (she's the notorious baby whisperer)
Lindsay made these beautiful programs for everyone to follow and respond during the ceremony


All those grandparents!

And all those Doyle's!

Somehow, the baptism festivities turned first into grape tossing...

Even the kiddos were in on the action

Talk about a sick aerial

They were all looking for just the right touch

But for the most part, they accepted defeat

Try, try again

And when grape tossing got old, the next logical game was chicken fight.

Pete's brothers Kevin, Tom and Matt & his friend Scott

The pool was freezing!

And the battle was fierce

Here's the whole gang one night trying to figure out what to do.  These Doyle's cannot sit still long!

Somehow this happened.  Yep.

 And now we have less than a week to prepare for the birthday festivities!  I ordered cupcakes this morning and have to put on my creative cap to come up with the perfect idea for his smash cake.   Then quickly my brain has to shift to plan Thanksgiving as we are hosting at our home.  And then another switcheroo as we leave for London the following week.  Wowza...somehow I feel rather relaxed about it all.  I must be forgetting 1,674,327 things.

Kicked off the birthday planning week with breakfast at the club reppin' his Auntie Col's school

It sure is quiet around here without all those crazies to play with


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