Friday, September 13, 2013

Solve For X

Here's my latest math equation:

Palmer(teething+bronchialitis+wheezing+ear infection)/(nebulizer*motrin*tylenol*amoxicillin)(master bath reno/umpteen design decisions) = Xhausted

How's that for algebraic fun?!?  Are you picking up my sarcasm?  Thought I'd point it out in case you missed it.  The sick little bird is taking a morning nap because he was up for all his meds and nebulizer about 5am.  The poor thing can barely breathe and is wheezing like an 80 year old smoking emphysema patient.  Oh and let's not forget the ear infection.  Or the doctor's concerns this could turn to pneumonia.  Oh wait, you want me to select whether I want 2cm or 3cm marble slab for the bathtub deck?  How about you go...enjoy a coffee break while I gather my mental acuity with a gallon of coffee.

Palmer started getting sick on Friday.  A week from today.  As of yesterday he was growing worse and worse.  Not how things should be shaping up a week into a cold.  The doctor put us on antibiotics yesterday (FINALLY!!) and my fingers crossed this will start to put us on the upswing by tomorrow.  Thankfully the same antibiotic to treat his ear infection would also treat pneumonia so the doctor is encouraged we are on the right path to Palmer's recovery.  At the doctor's yesterday they wouldn't even let us wait in the "sick kid" waiting room.  They took us to an isolation room where no one could come in contact with us ("us" means Grandma came to visit to help me out and now she has the death cooties, too).  How's that for encouraging the first time mom that your child isn't on death's door.  Allright, slightly dramatic, but I deserve a little dramatics at this point.  

Here was my little patient last week.  I haven't had the heart to take a picture
of his sad little snot face since he's taken a turn
Remember what our master bathroom use to look like?

Ah yes, the 1980's glory is all coming back to you in one mauve marbled swoop

Well here it was a few days ago
And here it is this morning
Despite my prior whining, I truly am ecstatic this is coming together.  We are kind of at a stand still waiting on cabinetry to be fabricated, tile to come in from back order, window to come in, blah blah blah.  But there is still plenty of plumbing and drywall work to be done.  The plumber made me feel very encouraged when he said, "You didn't order a whirlpool tub did you?"  My reply, "Of course!!" His face drops, "Oh, great."  My intuition is that means a lot more work.  But if I am good on my algebra (which I think I've proven to be) More Work = More Money for plumber.  So why all the fussin'?

In other news, did you know Palmer looks like his momma?

If I had that dress I would dress him up in a heartbeat and play guess who's the real baby Palmer
In closing, as Palmer awakens like a roaring beast gently stirs from his nap, I shall state in all the week's despair I am grateful for a snot nose to wipe, a wet diaper to change (because that means he actually drank enough to pee!) and a destroyed master bath because it means I have a family to love and home to care for them in.  (Coffee must be kicking in.)

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