Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Won! A Liebster Award! A What?!

Well, this is two months overdue and painfully embarrassing to write about due to the obscene tardiness of my response, but it has been sitting neatly on my to-do list and I will not let it go unchecked off!  

A couple months back I was nominated by a fellow blogger Lindsay Churton (a friend of a friend) who writes Sensible Ma.  This award, per her blog, is "a pay-it-forward kudos that's given to newer bloggers by other bloggers..."  So here we are!  I accept!  By accepting I must answer some questions and then nominate fellow bloggers I think have growth potential.  I've noticed my audience has ticked up over the last several months, averaging over a 1,000 views a month.  So I thought, what the heck?! Let's spread some blog love.

Here Are My Questions

1. Why did you start your blog and how did you attract readers?
I started my blog as a way to keep my husband's huge extended family in the loop as we planned our wedding in Florida.  And then continued when we immediately made a baby.  And now are cooking another.  The blog shall never end as we keep popping out babies like pop-tarts.

2. What was your most memorable vacation?
Since I have no memory left anymore due to a toddler and being 24 weeks pregnant, I have to go with my most recent vacation to London with my husband.

3. Beer, Wine or Cocktails?
Wine.  Cabernet preferably.  And if we want to get specific, let's go with a Justin or Caymus.

4. Flats, Heels or your other favorite shoes (what are these?)
Heels.  Get me closer to Jesus and add much needed length to my hamhocks.

5. Since you're a creative writer, do you have a secret or non-secret creative hobby you do? 
I sew.  I draw.  I wish I painted.  Nowadays my most creative outlet is seeing how well I can color in the lines while Palmer tries to rip the crayon from my hand.

6. What is your favorite genre of music/band/artist?
Country. Dolly Parton always hold a dear place in my heart ever since I started singing "He is High & Mighty" after I received her cd as my very first cd in elementary school.

7. Introvert or Extrovert? And do you wish you were more like the other?
I'm an extrovert forced into introvert status as I'm currently a pregnant, stay at home mom to a toddler.

8. What do you do to stay fit and healthy? 
Come again?

9. What is your favorite beauty product(s) right now?
One Love Organics everything.  Live in their beauty balm.

10. What's your go-to recipe for a weeknight dinner?
Stir fry anything and everything then throw it over rice or pasta.

Next is the part where I'm supposed to nominate 11 new blogs and come up with 10 questions for them.  I'm going to make this a new bullet on my to-do list.  I follow a standard few lifestyle blogs whom do not need any help from little old me promoting their blogs.  So I'll shall give this part proper attention in the near future and find some stars that need some help shining. 

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