Tuesday, December 11, 2012

20 days...that's it?!

Life in the Doyle household has done a 180 since the introduction of Mr. Palmer!  He has brought us so much love, worry (who knew you could stare at a video monitor for that many hours a day!) and excitement.  We are enjoying the ride of getting to know him.  It has been a rather eventful 3 weeks so far...

We've enjoyed lots of tummy time!

I always wait patiently while Mom gets ready in the morning.

I love getting dressed up in all of my stylish outfits.
Mom took me to Publix and Buy Buy Baby this week!

Mom sported me in the Baby Bjorn on all of our shopping trips!

I was on my best behavior while Mom picked up lunch from the club...
Oh, how she had missed her aztec chicken wrap.

We met our best buds Parker and Amy for lunch!

As cute as I look..that left little ear is going to get a little help in being not so crooked!
We went to the ENT today and they're going to put an "ear well" (fancy word for plastic mold)
on my ear so it's straight like my other one!  I'll thank my mom later!

We've enjoy the wind in our hair...

I lost my umbilical cord!  Mom found it in my pajamas on Monday! 

And we take lots of naps!  Mom sometimes lets me nap on her when she's not being a meanie
 and making me nap in my crib.

Palmer hit 9 lbs 1 oz this week!  That's up about a pound a half from birth.  Obviously feeding is not a problem for this little man.  We do, however, have a battle with reflux!  He was put on Zantac Sunday after we watched him battle with burning in his throat since birth.  We were trying to see if it resolved itself, but his discomfort was getting worse and we couldn't bear to watch him in pain anymore.  Our pediatrician said it's a common ailment and the Zantac should whip him back in shape soon!  It has already calmed him down a lot and we have lighter hearts knowing we are helping our little man feel better!

Tomorrow we are hoping to make our debut back in our ladies lunch group!  With proper timing we should have a successful lunch date.  Then Palmer will get his ear well on Friday morning just in time for Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Tom to come down from Chicago for a quick visit!  Looking forward to seeing the two of them and sharing our sweet little baby Palmer.  

As we close in on the one month mark (better start thinking of creative ways to capture this milestone photographically!) I am still not quite sure we believe the fact Palmer is here...as our son...forever...as our responsibility!  We always say it seems like he's been here forever, but at the same time it's as if we don't believe he's really here!  I'm sure his presence will become more normal as time progresses, but until then we'll keep spending all of our time staring at him.

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