Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What's Next?

I'm starting to get an itch.  A boredom itch.  It's not that the endless playing of the "lion game" where Palmer challenges me to roaring contests isn't absolutely stimulating. Or the 2,487,156 snacks I make a day aren't truly honing my culinary skills.  But there is something else.  Something else aside from cleaning boogers off my wall to get my creative juices flowing.  I'm pondering a book club, being a contributing writer at a local magazine, putting more effort into making the blog into something marketable (food, clothes, travel, travel with kids, baby making or just general momm-ing?), but it all seems so meh.  And if I'm shooting you straight I really struggle with taking pictures.  I feel like it hinders my participation which kills the experience for all.  

At night I read a devotional by Oswald Chambers called "My Utmost for His Highest" and every now and again it lights a little fire.  Whether that's to not be a whiny housewife or to stop being so judgmental or to catch up on my DVR (just kidding, the Lord doesn't care about the Bachelor or Downton Abbey, but late nights sure seem right with those two shows.)   Recently I read a nice little diddy about interpreting God's words and tenants into how we should be of service to Him.  The gist was everyone has a skill set and we should put to use our best talents.  Sounds like a million and one Sunday school lessons I've heard throughout the days, but it made me start racking my brain and thinking, "Miss Heather, just what is it you are called to do?" Become a better cocktail party hostess?  Conquer world travel with toddlers?  Or maybe something a bit more meaningful?  Then I remembered...

I'm 4 months pregnant

These thoughts of boredom must have hit months ago and led to this.  Come July 4 we shall have three babes 3 and under.  Doesn't sound so boring anymore, does it?

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