Thursday, November 13, 2014

Waterfall Adventure

Sleep deprived or not, life will go on.  You do your best to ignore the deepening of the lines on your face and the smudges of 4 day old makeup.  You have two little men ready to conquer the world and they need to hold your hand to do it.  At least that's the pep talk I give myself after Palmer dumps a cup of rice all over the floor and declares "Big Mess!"  or when Tripp stares at me at 4am wondering when the party is going to start.  So we trudge on, to Gymboree class and Library story time, to play dates and grocery store trips.  And every once in a while a special trip like a picnic at our very own waterfall.  Okay, it's more a runoff over a really cool 50'+ high rock wall, but it has a sign that says waterfall and you couldn't convince Palmer it was anything less than magical.  

The big boy leaves the stroller once we hit the trail
Little man stays along for the ride

Exploring yelling, "This Way! That Way, Momma!"

Every good explorer needs a proper picnic

Tripp didn't miss out on the exploration either
Exhaustion is a buzz kill.  Everything in my body wants to just lay on the floor while Palmer watches Mickey Mouse on DVR (and let's be honest...that does happen), but more often than not, once I pick my 16 lb post partum overweight booty  up off the floor and head out on a waterfall adventure, I end up feeling refreshed and everyone is in a much better mental state.  I am ready for these sleepless nights to be a distant memory, but until then, I will trudge on and find out it really isn't trudging after all.

How about a little Hipworth update?  I need to take pictures of the new window treatments and barstools downstairs.  They are dreamy.  I posted a picture of Palmer today on my Instagram and noticed after the fact that you could see them in it.  And they make the house look soooo much cozier.  Master bedroom drapes are in sans hardware - whoops - forgot you need rods to hang all those drapes.  There is artwork for the living room coming that the fabulous Laura Ramsey Interiors team found for me on their High Point Market adventure.  One hint - Butterflies.  I cannot wait.  Laura and her team actually did all of the above, plus found these perfect pillows during their market adventure...

And just for good measure, let's end with those inspiring men in my life.

He rolls now, by the way.  I should document that.  It happened one day this week I'm sure.

Can't get enough of them.